¡Un antiguo juego de mesa de estrategia y astucia cobra vida! ¡Un antiguo juego de mesa de estrategia y astucia cobra vida! Recoge mosaicos para maximizarte
An ancient board game of strategy and cunning comes to life!
An ancient board game of strategy and cunning comes to life!
Pick up tiles to maximise your score and outwit your opponent. Cada movimiento que hace dictados qué fila (o columna) de mosaicos que su oponente puede elegir desde el siguiente: intente atraparlos, ¡pero tenga cuidado de que le hagan lo mismo! Build score-boosting combos and use mysterious magic items to turn the tide of the battle in your favour.
¡Juega a través del modo de búsqueda para un solo jugador para descubrir los secretos de los Masters, luego desafíe a sus amigos (en línea o cara a cara) a un duelo de "artes marciales mentales"!
Tile Temple Tactics is a beautiful virtual board game that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
Cómo jugar
The first player removes a numbered tile from the board. The number shown on the tile is added to their score. Their opponent must then take a tile from the same ROW or COLUMN as the first player's tile. Play proceeds until either player can make no more moves, at which point the player with the highest score wins. As the journey unfolds, more kinds of tiles and special rules are introduced.
• Free to Play forever!
• Dozens of challenging levels in the single player journey.
• Win stars to unlock new levels and special bonuses.
• Battle other players in online multiplayer mode.
• Play head to head with a friend using one device in board game mode.
• Buy magic potions and items to give you more tactical options.
• Enter Zen Mode to double your rewards.
• Beautiful 3D visuals and a haunting original soundtrack.
If you have any questions about the game or want to report a bug or other issue, drop us an email at [email protected].
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